한국인이 자주 틀리는 영어 문법

지난 레터에서 영어를 일상으로 만드는 공부법을 추천했다. 재밌게 영어를 공부해야 한다는 메시지에 공감하지 못하는 독자가 있을 것 같다. ‘아니, 영어를 이해할 수 있어야 재밌게 읽고, 쓰고, 말하지. 그냥 쳐다만 본다고 영어 실력이 느나!’ 같은 느낌이랄까.

음… 맞는 말이다. 영어의 기본 문법을 이해하지 못한 상태로 미드를 본다거나 영문 블로그를 읽는다면 답답할 수 있다. 단어 하나하나 찾는 과정이 안 그래도 번거로운데, 문장 구조부터 이해가 안 되니 금방 의욕을 잃을 확률도 높다.

(아직도) 영어를 공부하는 수많은 한국인이 문법을 이해하지 못한 채 머리 아플 정도로 복잡한 문장을 접한다. 손흥민 선수가 18살이 되고 나서야 슈팅 연습을 시작했듯, 논문처럼 어려운 글은 튼튼한 영어 기반을 완성한 후 읽으면 된다. 기본기에 충분한 시간을 투자하지 않고 뛰어난 실력을 바랄 순 없다.

한국의 교육 시스템은 시험에 나올법한 글을 해부하고 분석하는 것이 곧 영어 공부를 의미하게 만들었다. 참 안타깝다. 초중 교과서에 나올법한 기초 문법이 쉬워 보일 수 있지만, 알고 보면 가장 어렵다. 영어 공부가 목표라면 문법 이해도를 가장 먼저 점검해 보는 건 어떨까?

이번 레터는 한국인이 많이 틀린다고 생각하는 문법과 유용한 영어 교육 채널을 소개한다. 물론 모든 영어 공부는 한국어가 아닌 ‘영어’로 해야 한다.

Tense Consistency

Tense consistency means maintaining the same verb tense within a clause, sentence, or paragraph.

Correction: "He opened the door and saw a cat running outside."```

```Inconsistent: "Yesterday, I am at my school after lunch."
Correction: "Yesterday, I was at my school after lunch."```

```Inconsistent: "I took a deep breath and open the door; there stands a well-dressed man."
Correction: "I took a deep breath and opened the door; there stood a well-dressed man."```

## Past Perfect and Present Perfect Tense
The past perfect tense is used to describe actions that were completed before another action in the past. Here are some examples:
- She had already eaten dinner before I arrived.
- She had finished her assignment before the deadline. 
- Before moving to New York, he had lived in Paris for ten years.

The present perfect tense is used to describe actions that occurred at an unspecified time before now. The exact time is not important. It is also used for actions that started in the past and are still continuing. Here are some examples:
- I have lived in Bristol since 1984
- We have talked about this issue several times.
- Have you ever traveled to Japan?

## Active and Passive Voice
Active voice is generally preferred to passive voice.
Using active voice in English writing and speech has several advantages that enhance clarity, engagement, and the overall effectiveness of communication. 

### Active Voice Examples
- Kelly ate the pizza.
- Monkeys love bananas.
- The dog chased the cat.
- Chris painted the whole house.
- Sally bought milk.

### Passive Voice Examples
- The pizza was eaten by Kelly.
- Bananas are loved by monkeys.
- The cat was chased by the dog.
- The whole house was painted by Chris.
- Milk was bought by Sally.

## Use of Articles
### A
- She wants to be a doctor.
- He is looking for a job.

### An
- It took an hour to complete the test.
- They found an umbrella left in the room.

### The
- The Pacific Ocean is the largest ocean in the world.
- Please close the door.

## Want to Learn More?
Here are some essential grammar rules that I have not included in this article:
1. Subject-verb agreement
2. Correct punctuation
3. Gerunds and infinitives
4. Misplaced modifier
5. Types of pronouns and their usage

## Word Choices

### Funny vs Fun
**Fun** refers to something that is enjoyable or pleasurable. It is used to describe activities, events, or situations that bring joy or amusement. For example:
- Going to the beach is a lot of fun.
- I had fun at the party last night.

**Funny**, on the other hand, describes something that is humorous or causes laughter. It can refer to people, situations, jokes, or anything that makes one laugh. For example:
- That joke was really funny.
- She is a funny person; she knows how to make me laugh.

### Play vs Hangout
**Play** typically refers to engaging in a game or recreational activity. It can also mean to perform on a musical instrument or act in a theatrical performance. For example:
- The children love to play hide-and-seek.
- She plays the guitar beautifully.

**Hangout**, on the other hand, means to spend time in a relaxed manner, often with friends or acquaintances, without any specific activities or formal plans. It's a casual term for socializing. For example:
- We're going to hangout at the mall this afternoon.
- My friends and I like to hangout at the coffee shop.

### Wish vs Hope
**Wish** is used to express a desire for something that is unlikely to happen or is impossible. It often reflects a longing for a situation that is not real or is difficult to achieve. For example:
- I wish I could fly.
- She wishes she had a million dollars.
- He wishes he were taller.
When using the verb "wish" to talk about a desire for a situation to be different, English speakers typically use a past tense verb form to express present or future meanings.

**Hope**, on the other hand, is used when there is a possibility that the desired outcome might actually occur. It implies optimism and a belief that what one wants can happen. For example:
- I hope to see you again soon.
- She hopes to pass the exam.
- We hope the weather will be good for the picnic.

Bonus: Greek and Latin Roots and Affixes
Greek and Latin roots and affixes form the foundation of a significant portion of the English vocabulary. Understanding them can greatly enhance language comprehensionand vocabulary skills.

- Greek Roots: Many scientific, medical, and technical terms are derived from Greek roots. For example:
    - "bio-" means life (as in biology, biography).
    - "geo-" means earth (as in geography, geology).
- Latin Roots: A large number of English words have Latin roots, given that Latin was the language of education and scholarship during the Middle Ages in Europe. For example:
    - "dict-" means to speak or say (as in dictionary, dictate).
    - "scrib-/script-" means to write (as in describe, manuscript).

Affixes are letters or groups of letters that are added to the beginning or end of roots to modify their meaning. They include prefixes (added to the beginning) and suffixes (added to the end).
- Prefixes: These are added to the beginning of a root word to create a new word with a modified meaning. For example:
    - "un-" means not (as in unhappy, uncertain).
    - "pre-" means before (as in preview, predict).
- Suffixes: These are added to the end of a root word to change its word class or meaning. For example:
    - "-ful" means full of (as in joyful, careful).
    - "-logy" means the study of (as in biology, psychology).

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